Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Diet That Can Actually Work - A Two Day Diet!

Hello all of my fashionistas and nisters,

I apologize that I haven't posted in a while but to make it up to all of you, I have a great tip for you today.

It is called the two-day diet.  Yuck! The word diet just spurns some heated emotions from most people when they hear that word. According, to a research study done in England, there may be an easier solution. The group of women volunteers were split up into two groups; one group was assigned a daily...
  • 1,500-calorie Mediterranean-style diet
and the other group was assigned a strict diet, twice weekly...
  • either 650 calories, or 50 grams of carbohydrates with unlimited protein per day, but no more than 2,000 calories on the other 5 days.

In as little as four months, the women on the 2-day diet lost nine pounds of body fat as opposed to the other women on the daily diet that only averaged 5 pounds lost. The ladies on the 2-day diet were also more committed to the program and fewer of them dropped out of the study. This suggests that this approach was less-restricted and easier to stick with long-term. Additionally, these women weren't prone to overeating on non-restricted days.

The study is not proven, but I think there is something to be said about this approach to dieting. Scientists are still researching and studying this phenomenom.

Give it a try and send me your comments about whether this diet works for you...or not.

Best XOXO,

Jessica J.

Some content provided courtesy of Allure Magazine, May 2012

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